Latest sensation song D.K Bose is gaining a lot of attention, because people are able to relate to it. We are always running away from aandhis (storms) in our life. It may be getting late for office and running from home or may be running away from our responsibilities ,we all are always running away from problems .So we can say we all are dk bose dk bose dk bose dk in our life and can relate to the character .
Talking about the vulgar use of words in the song, I feel that this song relates to the young generation which uses such language in daily conversation; D.K Bose is a common man who is frustrated with the problems and the only way he can to cope up with these is to run away from them .
The marketing of the song by its makers is simply incredible. The way this song has caught attention just in a week is tremendous. Aamir Khan has outdone himself this time. This song has got 320446 hits just in 5 days time after releasing it on you tube, which means 6408 hits a day, and I am sure that it will increase in the weekend, and I am not counting the no. of people who have posted it on their face book pages and promoted. It’s all about launching your product and having the entire country dance to your tunes. People connect to this song and that’s the secret behind its success.
This is the power of digital marketing and if you can make your products click to the target audience there is nothing else that you need to do ,no marketing efforts ,no P.R to be done just relax and see your products grow .
With this song our filmmakers should take a lesson, how to market a movie without big budgets .And in the recent past Indian cinema has seen a lot of small budget movies ,which are made after extensive research ,and seeing what is that audience wants rather than what the filmmakers want to show.This trend is catching attention very fast, where movies are planned after a proper market research and then the script is written ,because Indian cinema is one of the biggest business of country and this is why we need a marketers skill along with a cinematographers creativity .
The time is not very far when Indian cinema will compete with so called “HOLLYWOOD” till that time just enjoy your morning walk with D.K BOSE( MBA )